Liveblogging Q&A with Tony Abbott

Starting at 2130 on ABC1, I will liveblog, so watch this space !


Nice earrings, the one asking the first question.Slam dunk for Tony, “Why should I vote for you”. He fumbles it tho, and all he can manage is “I’m myself and not Kevin Rudd, and Labor was bad and I will be better. WTF.

Next question on the NBN, all he can say is “high speed fibre is very important”.Then some mumbling about wireless.It’s clear he has no clue.


Love the Twitter comments from #qanda the ABC is showing.
The same ‘ol private enterprise canard.No broadband for you then, rural Australia !

Another slam dunk, should the Home insulation scheme be subject to a royal commission? *frantic Abbott nodding*


The Vietnam Vet with the gay son is awesome.Abbott thinks there are a lot of “terrific gay relationships”.He “knows some gay people extremely well”.I’m sure he’d even let them use his bathroom. *eyeroll*


From the Twitter feed(not shown on TV):

That #qanda video question would have has better vision/sound quality with a national broadband network, Tony


The weird Rudd impresario is weird.
Good question on climate change.Again, no answer other then “the others didnt do anything about it either”.I have to agree with him on the citizens assembly though.And here we go, Abbott confirms that he is a global warming sceptic.


The GP? Whats up with him? Bloody hell yeah I dont want him to work unsupervised.And nurse practitioners? Who is suggesting they act as GPs?I have to agree with Abbott here, NPs have their role, especially in rural areas, can’t be much worse then some of the GPs we have already.


Haha, he won’t refuse money from the Tobacco industry because they are a legal business !


The priest person has a point.Flying right over Tony’s head, of course.Only gibberish as an answer.
No, muslim person, we dont have to visit muslim schools or break bread with muslims to be tolerant with the muslim community.Let us know when you are ready to extend the same tolerance.


So that’s it.4 days until the election, and I still haven’t heard anyone mention Tony Abbott’s crazy views on sex education and religious instructions in schools, let alone show anyone how wrong he is on climate change.I’m actually quite flabbergasted about this, since the man is clearly crazy, and still in with a chance to actually become PM.
If you think voting for Sarah Palin as American President would be crazy, you should not vote for Tony Abbott.

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