Category Archives: Uncategorized

I am dumbfounded by this wish of some religious folks for there to be an all-knowing celestial dictator

This notion of “if there is no god then there won’t be morality, we will all end up as savage sinners and society will crumble” is fairly widespread among religious believers. What I really don’t get is how some people literally seem to crave a celestial authority figure that watches their every move, their every […]

Michele Bachmann is advocating for women to die of cancer

Cervical cancer is already 100% preventable through regular GYN exams. Precancerous cells can be removed easily. Right, you’re officially full of shit. The preventative measures involve freezing, burning or cutting out affected areas, which is invasive, has risks (bleeding, infection) and are far from “100%” effective, often requiring repeat treatments and still not offering anywhere […]