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Category Archives: Uncategorized
I’m playing around with google+ this morning. I’m not quite certain why I should need another social networking productivity and time black hole, I guess it’s more curiosity at this point. They say that google+ is invite-only for now, but getting an invite sent from someone on Facebook took me about 30 seconds this morning, […]
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Who says that Australia doesn’t have it’s own share of religious dingleberries ? We might have exported fools like Ken Ham to the US, but instead we’ve got Daniel Nalliah, the crazy homophobic kook from Catch the Fire Ministries. Remember, that’s the Sri Lankan guy who recently founded his own political party to “fight multiculturalism […]
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Iain: you are just making an “appeal to authority ” here and as touching as such faith based positions are they don’t make your case. Why yes; rather than incorporating the equivalent of a post-graduate course in climate science here, I’m referring to every single one of the world’s scientific bodies as authority on science. […]
Humans can’t live without a patent windpipe (trachea). So any condition that blocks it up is potentially lethal. Cancers, infections, trauma, genetic abnormalities, can all lead to a blocked or too narrow windpipe. So what do you do when you find yourself with a cancer as big as a golf ball blocking yours ? Well, […]
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—Westboro’s been done-to-death. Of course they shoud be kept we back fro funerals, but as for the rest of it they’re just preaching unvarnished scripture. No more, no less. WHY don’t interviewers start turning them cameras away rom th small potatoes of Topeka, and start shining those ights and making those queries of their own […]
Which is why you all need to go and read this article at the SMH now : It’s not just a bunch of atheists and self-interested psychologists who are worried about the school chaplaincy program. The head of the Anglican Education Commission in Sydney, Bryan Cowling, has also cast doubt on the role of school […]